Om Gyldendal

(For English version: please see below)

Historien kort fortalt

Gyldendal blev grundlagt med afsæt i en markant samfundsmæssig udvikling, da ordet i 1770 kortvarigt blev givet frit. Denne nyvundne ytringsfrihed blev anledning til at stifte Gyldendal og udgive frie ord, som siden har været kernen for forlaget. 

Indgangsparti hos Gyldendals Forlag  I årenes løb er uddannelsesområdet kommet til som en integreret del af forlaget. Dermed er Gyldendals kerneaktiviteter forlagsvirksomhed rettet mod henholdsvis det almene litteraturmarked og uddannelsessystemet. Dertil kommer vores mentorforretning, som tilbyder lektiehjælp til familier. Disse aktiviteter betragter vi alle som værende af grundlæggende samfundsnyttig karakter.
Vi har siden 1782 haft hjemme i vores historiske bygninger i Klareboderne i det centrale København.


Gyldendal består af divisionerne Gyldendal Forlag, som udgiver bøger til det private marked, og Gyldendal Uddannelse, som leverer undervisningsmaterialer til alle uddannelsesniveauer.

I Gyldendal Forlag findes redaktionerne Skønlitteratur, Nonfiktion, Børn & Unge, Cicero og Flamingo. Denne del af forlaget kaldes også for Trade. En del af Gyldendal Forlag er vores svenske lydbogsforlag Word Audio Publishing International, også kaldet WAPI.

Gyldendal Uddannelse består af uddannelsesforlaget og en stor portefølje af e-learning og mentoring. Uddannelsesforlaget udgiver materialer til områderne grundskole, gymnasium, videregående uddannelse og EUD, hvor forlagene Munksgaard, Hans Reitzels Forlag og Systime hører under. Til uddannelsesforlaget knytter sig også dattervirksomheden MentorDanmark, som tilbyder lektiehjælp til private.


Adm. direktør Hanne Salomonsen

Finansdirektør (CFO) Henriette Schütze

Læs mere om direktionens medlemmer på Gyldendals Investor site.


KL (Koncernledelsen)

KL er betegnelsen for den øverste ledelse, der udover direktionen også tæller:

Direktør i Gyldendal Uddannelse Henrik Gejlager

Kommerciel direktør i Gyldendal Forlag Karen Bender

Kommunikationschef Niels Overgaard

KL mødes ugentligt og tager stilling til de overordnede spørgsmål og prioriteringer for Gyldendal-gruppen.


Formand Gregers Wedell-Wedellsborg

Se bestyrelsens medlemmer på Gyldendals Investor site.



Gyldendal A/S er et aktieselskab, og hovedaktionærerne er fonden bag Louisiana, Museumsfonden af 7. december 1966, og Augustinus Fonden. Gyldendal A/S er børsnoteret.


Nøgletal for Gyldendal-gruppen

Ønsker du at læse mere om Gyldendal-gruppens regnskab, finder du det på Gyldendals Investor site.


Job i Gyldendal

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A Brief History

Founded in 1770, Gyldendal is the oldest publishing company in Denmark, making its mark on both the industry and Danish society for 250 years. We have published some of the most important voices of our time and are consistently raising the bar for the publishing industry.

Gyldendal springvand We are based in a complex of historic buildings in Klareboderne in the heart of Copenhagen, in an area formerly known as Tranens Kvarter (‘The Crane District’). The crane in Gyldendal’s logo came from the signet ring of the company's founder, Søren Gyldendal. Standing as it does with a rock in one raised claw, the crane is an ancient European symbol of care and vigilance. If the bird falls asleep, the stone will fall – and wake the bird. Gyldendal has constantly evolved over the years in order to regain and maintain its foothold in an ever-changing market. The crane in our logo is a reminder that we must not dwell on the past.

Since 1770, however, the company’s mission has largely remained the same. Gyldendal is committed to making a continuous and significant impression on Danish society, ensuring that the reading experiences and learning of the Danes are coloured by diversity and quality. We strive to be the preferred host in the meeting between creator and recipient, thereby preserving our status as one of the most important voices in cultural life and the common democratic discourse.

The Organisation

Gyldendal has two divisions: Gyldendal Book Publishing, which publishes books for the private market; and Gyldendal Education, which provides educational materials for all levels of education.

Gyldendal Book Publishing comprises five editorial departments: Fiction, Non-fiction, Children and Young Adults, Cicero and Flamingo. This part of the publishing house is also referred to as ‘Trade'.

Gyldendal Education consists of the educational publishing house and a large portfolio of e-learning and mentoring. The educational publishing house publishes materials for primary school, upper secondary school, higher education and VET (which includes the publishers Munksgaard and Hans Reitzels Forlag). The subsidiaries Systime and MentorDanmark are also affiliated with the educational division.

Together, the entire organisation is referred to as the Gyldendal Group. With its special profile and range of publications, each area ensures the expansion and evolution of all the group’s areas of expertise.

Senior Management

CEO Hanne Salomonsen
CFO Henriette Schütze

To learn more about the Senior Management team, visit Gyldendal's Investor site.

Leadership Team

In addition to Senior Management, the Leadership Team also includes:

Director, Gyldendal Uddannelse, Henrik Gejlager

Commercial Director, Gyldendal Forlag, Karen Bender

Head of Communications, Niels Overgaard

The Leadership Team meets once a week to make decisions on the overall questions and priorities of the Gyldendal Group.

The Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board Gregers Wedell-Wedellsborg

To learn more about the members of the Board, visit Gyldendal’s Investor site.



Gyldendal A/S is a public limited company, and the main shareholders are the foundation behind Louisiana, Museumsfonden af 7. december 1966 and Augustinus Fonden. Gyldendal A/S is a listed company.